How to equalize ear presssure when scuba diving

How to equalize ear presssure when scuba diving

By Primayuda

Three basic skills of scuba diving are :

  • Breathing (use your regulator to breath underwater)
  • Equalization (make sure you can dive safely)
  • Propulsion (how to move underwater like a fish)

We will discuss equalization here.

Ear structure

Here is the diagram of your ear ear structure

As you descent, your ear drum (2) will get more pressure from the water around you. Remember from your basic physics, that for every 10 meters of descent in the ocean, the pressure will increase 1 bar. Therefore, you will need to counter this pressure by sending air from your mouth/nose to the inner ear via eustachian tube (5). This is what we call equalization.

Equalization techniques

The key to equalizing is to get air to flow from the throat to the inner ear through normally closed eustachian tube. Most of the divers are taught to equalize by pinching their nose and blowing gently. This gentle pressure open the eusachian tube and flow air gently to middle air. It should be done gently and not forced.

Most divers try to force equalization. This is dangerous. You should equalize early and often. That means, you should start when there is no pressure and repeat often. When you can not equalize, do not force it. Instead, release the pressure by ascending slightly and try again to equalize.

You can blow by exhaling (called Valsava Maneuver) or by using your throat muscles (called Frenzel Maneuver). The latter is preferred because it is gentler and easy to control. Other techniques are to swallow, wiggling, streching the jaw or combination of these. You can also swallow while pinching your nose.

Come to Nakula Dive to try diving or learn diving safely.

references: Scuba Diving Magazine